Sex, Death, Other People's Money, Wills, Taxes, Occult Matters, Obsessions
What It Means
Sex, Death, and Other people's money. We say those words like they are just
some passing adjectives. But they are much more than that!
You need sex in order to procreate. Then your off-spring grow up and eventually
die, just like you will. This house is about the entre cycle of life,
from beginning to end and beyond. The first half of life is totally
dominated by sex. Even if you are not one of those people with a strong
libido, it still controls so much of how you live your life.
Then, in the second half of life, you have to face the fact that you will not live
forever. The idea of death takes over as the dominating force. As we
get older and older, we are forced to realize that we have to give up all those
things we worked so hard to obtain through our second house efforts. Now,
we have to let go of all that. In fact, we have to let go of life itself.
And all of the things we leave behind will be taken over by our heirs...thus the
concept of other people's money comes into the picture.
Most of us probably won't inherit big bunches of money, but the eight house
influence of other people's money extends far beyond that. There are many ways
we can be involved in other people's money. You could inherit it or have a
partner who has lots of it or get some of your partner's money through divorce.
Or you could be handling it for someone else. There are plenty of jobs
that deal with managing it for those who have so much they don't know what to do
with it all. There's jobs like financial manager, stock broker,
accountant...all of which put the people who do them in touch with other
people's money.
The eighth house is also considered to be a very psychic house, deeply connected
to the other side. When death comes to you, it may or may not be an easy
transition. In today's world there is plenty of violence and painful
illness to help us get
there. It is my belief that whatever energy surrounds your last moments
creates a ripple effect that continues to touch not only those around you but
your own spirit as it continues on in the next plane.
At some point, you may be the recipient of other people's money, but eventually
you will be giving it back. The lesson is to use whatever you get this way
wisely so that you have something worthwhile to give back.